MAP pricing software

Protect your brand's reputation. Make sure that the vendors selling your brand are not selling below your minimum selling price.
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MAP pricing software
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Check the prices of the sellers. Just add your products.
syncFresh Data
You will be immediately informed of the price changes of the sellers
fingerprintSee the Market
Get notified immediately of sellers selling below your minimum sales price.
add Why?
If you do not want your brand's products to be sold below the price you set, you will need MAP software. Listinguish keeps track of which products you sell to which companies and keeps track of them regularly. You will be notified if the product is sold below or above the amount you specified.
Frequently asked questions

What is MAP?

You will receive notification via e-mail or api when sellers that have agreements with your brand make changes below or above the sales price you set. In this way, you will protect your brand value.

Why do I need map tracking in e-commerce?

When MAP checks are not made, it becomes difficult for you to follow the price changes made by contracted companies without your knowledge. Excessive pricing is a crime in terms of brand value and violates your rights. Listinguish will help you identify such violations.

What is map pricing?

You determine how much you want your product to sell for. Tracking of your contracted sellers is done by Listinguish. For example, Listinguish will give you the information of the seller who lowers or increases the price of the product you want to sell for 20 units without your consent.

What is map price tracking?

Setting your minimum advertised price allows you to protect your brand equity. Our Listinguish panel automatically tracks price changes and sends you notifications when necessary.

What is a price violation?

A price violation is when your contracted sellers sell far above or below your agreed price.

How can I detect price violations?

We know how difficult it is to follow the e-commerce sites you have contracted with. Listinguish does this tracking for you. The companies that sell your products are on our panel. You will be notified when there is a price change contrary to the minimum announced price.